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Active Kids Program - Official Registration Instructions

The NSW Government are offering a $100 rebate as part of the Active Kids Program, designed to encourage more children to participate in sport. Parents can claim the rebate once, on any sporting activity that school aged children participate in.

What that means for you is....

1) On January 3rd, you can register to play for the Miranda Magpies at

2) Follow the normal registration process, but when you get to the "Payment Screen" click on the box "PURCHASE ADDITIONAL ITEMS", there you can select "Deferred Payment" which allows for -$100 to be added to your transaction. Click Update Order.

3) You can then register as normal, at the $100 off price.

BUT WAIT, there's more......

4) After January 31st (this is very important) you must register on to obtain your "voucher code" for each child, you will then need to email this code along with your child's name to

Please Note: As the Government voucher program will not be ready for when registrations open, we really need your support to obtain the voucher codes. If you are not eligible for the discount, please do not apply for it. We will need to chase you up and as volunteers, we'd rather be focusing on your child's football experience than sending emails for codes. If you do forget, please note we will be contacting you. We must get every code for every child!!!!

You do not have to use this rebate for Football, you can apply it only once per child to any sport you choose.

If you have any questions, you can CONTACT US here.

Thank you from the Miranda Magpies Football Club to the NSW Government for this fantastic initiative!

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